IoT Disruptions: The Internet of Things – Innovations & Jobs

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Internet of Things aka IOT is disrupting our world with wearables, connected cars, connected home, connected cities and industrial IOT with a projected 20Billion IOT devices in the world by 2020.
IOT is re-introducing our fridge, toaster, washing machine, toothbrush, watch, bed, locks, garage, thermostat and even baby diapers as intelligent devices with sensors and creating a world of new convenience for us.

This book is based on the fundamental belief that real innovations create jobs.
As you flip the pages of this book, join me as we step into a magical world of inspiration and take a closer look into the landscape of IOT, breadth of technologies, evolving business models, gaps ripe for innovation, and new and evolving careers for experienced professionals and students alike.
In this book I hope to empower you with the opportunities, gaps, debates and areas of job growth in the rapidly expanding world of IOT. I trust you to take your knowledge from this book to create something from your passion and experience. Perhaps you will design a new product, build a company, imagine a use case, or bring ideas forth to empower your community.
Who should read this book: Students looking for technology jobs, Product Managers in hardware and Internet software, Entrepreneurs looking for opportunities to innovate, integrated designers and Developers of open source, embedded software and cloud technologies.

Product Details

  • File Size: 666 KB
  • Print Length: 58 pages
  • Publication Date: May 20, 2015
  • Sold by:  Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00Y0CPV5I
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • X-Ray: Not Enabled
  • Word Wise: Enabled
  • Lending: Enabled
  • Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
