5 Blogs all men should know

Everyone knows the big players of the blog community like GQ and Esquire. However, there are plenty of other blogs that deserve further recognition. Here are five blogs that you should know. If you want to recommend a blog, feel free to leave one as a comment below! (Note: The list is in no particular order.)

1. coolmaterial.com – “Men’s Gear Blog Featuring the Latest Trends in Watches, Gears, and Gadgets”

The name, Cool Material, says it all. This site is great for discovering the latest gear and for deciding which gifts to get for your friends or even yourself. Cool Material features everything from backpacks, clothes, accessories, electronics to homes, cars, bikes, and much more. If you have a particular interest, there’s a good chance that Cool Materialcovered it.

My Favorite Feature: “The Black Book” – Under this tab, you can find an extensive list of stores that appeal to the readers. Each store has a short description, a rating score (out of 6 stars), and the price level (out of 4 dollar signs).

2. artofmanliness.com – “Reviving the Lost Art of Manliness”

The Art of Manliness takes a different approach to blogs for men. Unlike most men’s blog that feature material goods, Art of Manliness talks about ways to become better husbands, better fathers, and a better man overall.

My Favorite Feature: Its content. Art of Manliness stays away from pictures of hot girls, fancy cars, and clothes. Instead, it focuses on how to develop and maintain a well-rounded character as a man.

3. thequietus.com – The Quietus

The Quietus may be one of the few online music review site that actually dishes out high-quality articles. Unlike other trash review websites, The Quietus do not give into any hype. They keep stick to their main purpose—to review music and bring “intelligence and passion back into journalism.”

My Favorite Feature: Seeing the amount of work put into each article, I admire The Quietus. If you read some of their material, it’s clear that they aim for well-thought out articles over meaningless, hype-driven blurbs.

4. hypem.com – The Hype Machine

Can’t find a song on YouTube? Tired of waiting through ads? Hypemmight be right for you! They compile a list of what music bloggers are writing about. Hypem is fun, easy, and interactive. There are many remixes and mashups on this site. Users can “favorite” songs to create their own playlist.

My Favorite Feature: The “Spy” button – When you click on this button, you can see what people are listening to in realtime. When you run out of songs to play, this button will provide you with an entire list!

5. acontinuouslean.com – A Continuous Lean.

Many times, while browsing through blogs, you find something you want to buy. When you follow the link, you realize that it’s a foreign company and the shipping cost almost doubles the total. A Continuous Leanmakes sure this does not happen. It focuses on American goods and their significance in the past and present.

My Favorite Feature: It is simple yet relatable. A Continuous Lean does not try to impress its readers with exaggeration and sophisticated topics. It is an easy read for those who are interested in well-designed, American things.

via James @ Junglecents

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